Facebook Goes All Meta

It’s almost Halloween, so we were all expecting the odd scare, but little could have prepared us for the blood-chilling horror of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg ‘acting’ amazed in front of a green-screened mockup of The Metaverse, during his keynote at the company’s Connect event.

Zuckerberg — or The Zuckster, as I imagine he introduces himself when arriving uninvited to your birthday drinks — was in the process of announcing that the company formally known as Facebook would from now on be known simply as Meta.

Facebook, the social network, will remain Facebook, but it will be one product among many. Or, as The Zuckster clearly hopes, one among all.

<img style="max-width:100%;" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-115433 image-border" src="https://idgraphics.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/logo_reveal-gif.jpg" alt="Meta logo reveal.

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